She is able to see and capture these wonderful people, dressed in a profusion of brightly coloured western style clothing. Her paintings show the eternal dust and harshness of the area in the daytime, through to the happiness at night, where all the camp fire and dreamtime stories hold the mythologies and spiritualities of these ancient principles, especially in the eyes of the Elders.
In all parts of the central Australian universe, these people with their few possessions hold dear to their beliefs and traditions. This in turn features strongly in Helen's works in which she captures their wisdom, grace, siimplicity, spontaneity and special culture. Despite her shyness, quiet charm and sensitivity, Helen Baldwin has an earthy humour and delights in reminiscing in her various jounrneys and their stories. She sees her art as a pictorial record of central Australia, its people and their ancestors who made the first footprints in this ancient land.
An outstanding feature of Helen's work is replicating some of her paintings into Petit Point (needlework). her early works are a density of 1000 knots per square inch. Today, you can only buy canvas to 750 knots per square inch. Through this form, Helen has achieved a world first with scenes of historical elders, children and landscapes.
Her works hang around the world in many corporate and private collections, including the Duchess of Kent, Princess Alexandra, The Duchess of York, and former Presidents of the United States.
Helen passed away on Tuesday 28th September 2021 aged 108 and 9 months. Her art will be preserved and treasured for many years to come.